
By Traci Cothran

读书是,一切都要在大风和什么在这里做金宝搏彩票BBWyou do at your library every day—so it’s a good bet the majority of us use Banned Books Week to rally around the works that cause a little controversy. This year’s禁书周focuses on celebrating Diversity, and runs September 25 – October 1.

我是中档和年轻成人小说的忠实读者,所以它驱使我当父母禁止惊人的小说,为青年说话有点古怪。一些作者甚至从学校出现谈论他们的书,今天影响孩子的问题DIS-邀请。举例来说,图形新颖戏剧,由雷纳·特尔格梅耶尔,目前已造成牢骚两个同性恋角色接吻,但我还没有遇到一个初中女孩谁不喜欢这个系列。作者梅格·梅迪纳面临审查与她有关高中欺负小说,Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass,因为标题有脏话在这,你知道这样的语言是决不说在学校的走廊!凯特·梅斯纳尔失望了,邀请了来自一所学校来说订婚,而在巡演她的书,The Seventh Wish,because the main character’s sister struggles with a heroin addiction, affecting the whole family. But there’s no reason to talk about the real-life heroin epidemic affecting kids in high schools and middle schools across the U.S., is there?




By Candy Jones-Guerin

Our Nation’s largest birthday celebration is just around the corner and we’re excited to get the party started!


There are also a lot of lesser known facts about this important day. Take note of these and surprise whomever you celebrate with.


  • 托马斯·杰斐逊起草独立宣言上的“笔记本电脑”,这是唯一能满足一个人的腿上写字台。
  • Including John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, a total of three US presidents have died on July 4th. James Monroe is the third president to share this fate.
  • According to author Kenneth C. Davis, July 2nd is the real day of Independence, but it’s celebrated on the fourth because that’s when congress accepted Jefferson’s declaration.
  • 由于对开裂的标志性工具的担忧,自由钟还没有被替代,每年1846响起,以纪念七月四日,2,000磅的钟声在全国范围内开始响起轻敲13次信号钟声。
