A Big Thumbs Up for Biology, 2nd Edition

生物学,第二版包括生物学覆盖生物概念439 A-Z项,科学的历史,如胚胎发育的关键问题和研究,道德问题的商业应用和事业。超过60项是全新的,几乎三倍的条目大量修订和更新;所有条目已审查了货币。

The writing level makes accurate information accessible to a high school audience. Full-color photographs, diagrams, and sidebars add visual interest. More than 600 terms are defined in the margins of the pages where they appear and compiled into a convenient glossary at the back of each volume. Each entry contains a bibliography/suggestions for further reading. A thematic outline provides a guide to entries by subject. Handy references in the front matter include a geologic time scale and metric conversion table.


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该评论是,金宝搏彩票盖尔互动:科学is a Recommended Resource

放大。出。旋转360度。想象是什么样子与更多的知识,减少恐惧面对复杂的科学概念。金宝搏彩票盖尔互动:科学通过给初中和高中生吗power to see science beyond static text through 3D models in over 150 interactive sessions and 60 models to print with a 3D printer. Students and instructors can manipulate and explore 3D models that are paired with reference and periodical content for further understanding. Learners are inspired to achieve the ultimate outcome: discovery.

Gain more knowledge by reading a few quick reviews.

阅读更多该评论是,金宝搏彩票盖尔互动:科学is a Recommended Resource

Tending the Academic Garden with CLiC

Posted on February 9, 2016


我喜欢花园,多年来我一直在它得到了相当不错的。然而,这并非总是如此。当我第一次开始,每到春天我会跑到洛斯,并挑选出所有的植物开花我以为漂亮呀。我会带他们回家,栽在我的院子里。然后,每一年,我会惊恐地看着他们将枯萎和死亡。什么是我做错了吗?那么,事实证明,几乎所有的东西。我终于有园艺专家咨询,发现工厂不得不根据自己的需要生长。一些必要的遮阳,阳光。一些需要干燥的土壤,以及其他需要的水。 Most liked to be planted when they weren’t in bloom, probably the reason I was killing so many. I learned some important lessons, but the most valuable lesson I learned was, when you are in trouble, ask an expert.

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