Fact-Checking Movie “History”with Gale Resources

Posted on March 14, 2016


我喜欢用历史事件带来的过去如此生动的生活,尤其是对于从来没有听说过这些过去的事件或著名的人188金宝搏北京赛车是谁启发学生看电影的方式。但有时电影从事实赞成呈现更强的影院体验的流浪。我看了“种族” - 关于杰西·欧文斯的故事,1936年奥运会 - 并想知道什么是事实,什么是“电影魔术”。学生可以使用他们的大脑和指尖搜索大风数据库 - 像金宝搏彩票U.S. History In Context,Students Resources In Context,Research In Context– to find out the truth, by investigating the following:

  • Following Jesse Owens’ gold medal wins, did Hitler shake Owens’ hand? (Bonus question: Did US President FDR ever welcome Owens to the White House?)
  • Were Owens and other African-American students allowed to live in student housing at Ohio State University?
  • Did German athlete Luz Long mark the takeoff area to help Owens qualify for the long jump?
  • Was that part in the movie where Owens had a romance with another woman (not his future wife) during college factual?
  • Did Owens capture 4 world records within 45 minutes at the 1935 Big Ten Track & Field Championship?
  • Why were US sprinters Marty Glickman and Sam Stoller scratched from the 4 x 100 event?

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