

By Traci Cothran

我喜欢电影的灵感来自历史事件的方式s bring the past so vividly to life, especially for students who have never heard of these past events or notable people. But sometimes films stray from the facts in favor of presenting a stronger cinematic experience. I watched “Race” – the story about Jesse Owens and the 1936 Olympics – and wondered what was factual and what was “movie magic.” Students can use their brains and fingertips to search Gale databases – like美国历史在上下文学生资源上下文and研究背景- 找出真相,通过调查如下:

  • 继杰西·欧文斯金牌胜利,希特勒做摇Owens的手?(奖金的问题:难道FDR美国总统曾经欢迎欧文斯白宫)
  • 被欧文斯和其他非裔美国学生允许在俄亥俄州立大学住学生宿舍?
  • 难道德国选手鲁兹长的标记起飞区帮助欧文斯晋级跳远?
  • 在电影,其中欧文斯学院事实中曾与另一个女人(不是他未来的妻子)一个浪漫的那一部分?
  • 难道欧文斯捕捉在1935年大十田径锦标赛在45分钟内4个世界纪录?
  • 为什么美国短跑选手马蒂·格利克曼和萨姆·斯托勒从4×100事件划痕?
