Calling All Patrons–Perfecting Community Outreach

By劳拉·达蒙 - 摩尔

Effectively reaching out to your community can be tricky. On October 31, Laura Damon-Moore, Co-Founder ofLibraries as Incubators Project, shared her expertise on community outreach for the weeklyGale Geek。劳拉无法做平常现场Q&A,因为她的研讨会是预先录制的;然而,她还是回答了听众的提问......见下文!

I was bummed not to be able to be there “in person” for our conversation last Friday, but I’m pleased to be able to continue to share some insight on community outreach with Cengage-Gale’s readers today.


How do you use the community based mentors or volunteers IN your library to support programming?

Read moreCalling All Patrons–Perfecting Community Outreach