Re-thinking Ready Reference with GVRL


By Holly Hibner and Mary Kelly

In the olden days before computers, ready reference collections were the soul of a library. Librarians helping patrons to answer questions or understand a topic always started in the reference section of the library. They were the most expensive materials and librarians were vigilant in guarding those precious items. I have been admonished by a librarian more than once for not handling these books carefully.

Ready reference collections have adapted to the new world of instant access, anywhere and anytime. Patrons still have questions and are trying to understand topics as always, but now they want it faster, more convenient, and always reliable. The reference need is still there, but now librarians have to think about access and delivery to patrons.

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由Michelle Eickmeyer

In it’s nearly 210 years, Wiley has done more than just stand the test of time. John Wiley and Sons was founded by Charles Wiley, John’s father, in 1807. (John took over the family business upon his father’s death in 1826.) First established as a Manhattan-based printer, Wiley was the first U.S. publisher to have an office in London. Interestingly, much of the company’s early success was in the publishing of literature but such notable writers as Charles Dickens, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Nathaniel Hawthorne and many others.

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