


GVRLPD Titles for Administrators to Support Teacher Appreciation Year-round


A squeaky lunchroom cart is being pushed down the hallway. It is filled with candy snacks and cards, as well as big bowl of chocolate covered strawberries. The principal’s secretary is pushing the cart from classroom to classroom, during instructional time, offering up treats in celebration of National Teacher Appreciation Week. I stare down the hallway watching the cart come my way, thankful I am on my planning period, and though I am grateful for a sweet treat, I am more relieved that this isn’t during my regular scheduled classes. A quick thank you to the secretary and with a chocolate covered strawberry in my hand, I close my classroom door and smirk thinking, “would have been nicer if the principal actually passed these out” and then I thought about what I actually would have wanted from my administration during this “appreciation week.” Chocolate strawberries and candies were not the answer.

During the early month of May, National Teacher Appreciation is the star holiday in front of Memorial Day. For some teachers, it is a week of free lunches, early releases, assemblies, announcements, and student hand-made thank you cards. There are also some teachers who do not have the luxury of such appreciative gifts from their students and administrators—receiving nothing at all. As a former teacher, I have experienced both forms of appreciation from administration and have felt the same about it all: for me, Teacher Appreciation Week was something that should be happening all year, not in the form of chocolate covered strawberries and thank you cards.


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Human Diseases and Conditions, an “Easy Read”

搜索ing for a resource to support researchers seeking authoritative health information? The search stops here withHuman Diseases and Conditions提供深入的健康和疾病的所有领域的覆盖面,Human Diseases and Conditionsoffers current and accurate information on approximately 450 diseases and conditions. The topics covered include infectious diseases, many cancers, chronic and acute physical and psychological conditions, newly emerging and reemerging diseases, public health issues, and issues of interest to the young adult audience (eating disorders, sports injuries, growth, and puberty). Behavioral health is covered as thoroughly as physical health.


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公司理念:资源,观点和方法:强烈推荐in All Libraries


See what a professor said inCHOICE,二月,2017年:

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Looking for an “expanded” and “recommended” resource designed to support users’ religion and history understandings? The伊斯兰教的百科全书和穆斯林世界提供了与问题,国家和人民是当今世界重要的是提供对人类活动的所有领域的伊斯兰教的影响知识的覆盖合作丰富的历史内容。此更新后的版本应该考虑学生开始任何库。


U•X•L Titles: “Valuable” and “Recommended” Resources

搜索全面的参考书籍信息在一个有吸引力的,吸引人的方式呈现?在U•X•Lfamily is an “extraordinary, ambitious” collection “recommended” for serving the reference needs of middle school students. Producing several types of books: Encyclopedias, Biographies, Almanacs, Chronologies, and Primary Source volumes, U•X•L titles offer a number of ways to explore a particular subject.

The reviews speak for themselves…

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