Appreciate Teachers by Supporting Their Mental Health with PD Titles on GVRL

|妮可·阿尔布雷希特|最近,我读通过安卡斯特凡的一篇文章,题为我想教学问题。在她的文章,安卡说,对于谢师周,她不想糖果,礼品卡,或苹果,她想,“......那感觉很扎实的职业生涯。我想一个每天的日程,感觉可持续,让我...Read more

GVRLPD Titles for Administrators to Support Teacher Appreciation Year-round


A squeaky lunchroom cart is being pushed down the hallway. It is filled with candy snacks and cards, as well as big bowl of chocolate covered strawberries. The principal’s secretary is pushing the cart from classroom to classroom, during instructional time, offering up treats in celebration of National Teacher Appreciation Week. I stare down the hallway watching the cart come my way, thankful I am on my planning period, and though I am grateful for a sweet treat, I am more relieved that this isn’t during my regular scheduled classes. A quick thank you to the secretary and with a chocolate covered strawberry in my hand, I close my classroom door and smirk thinking, “would have been nicer if the principal actually passed these out” and then I thought about what I actually would have wanted from my administration during this “appreciation week.” Chocolate strawberries and candies were not the answer.


So what does a teacher really need from their administration to feel appreciated? Looking back on the last eight years of my teaching career, considering my own needs and the discussions I’ve had with colleagues, I have outlined a few common themes that may help administrators show their teachers they are appreciated year-round:

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