Gale’s InfoTrac Collections Add “Related Resources” Feature



Beginning March 7th, users of Gale’sInfoTracperiodical collections—like金宝搏彩票学术OneFile,一般OneFileInfoTrac报亭- 将会享受令人兴奋的新功能。当观看的文章,“相关资源”功能,建议感兴趣的附加内容,提供更动态的,相关内容的相关介绍。


阅读更多Gale’s InfoTrac Collections Add “Related Resources” Feature



下列的游戏最近添加,可以设在提到InfoTrac产品使用基本或高级搜索的形式。标题可以通过浏览出版物在两个星期内被发现。对于全覆盖的信息,请参阅该产品title lists


Now Available: Enhanced Experience of GVRL, InfoTrac, and In Context

Today,增强released toGVRL和all resources within theInfoTrac在上下文中家庭(包括超级搜索平台)将增加无障碍的残疾人士,如低视力或失明,改善可用性,桌面和移动的研究人员,以及创建跨我们的一些最热门的资源,共同的用户体验。


阅读更多Now Available: Enhanced Experience of GVRL, InfoTrac, and In Context

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in February 2015

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the producttitle lists

阅读更多New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in February 2015


The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the producttitle lists



Have you ever muttered disparagingly about a website or app that doesn’t look or behave the way you expect it to? Does it frustrate you when icons don’t make sense to you, or when you can’t find navigation aids?

我们听你的。这就是为什么我们发起了改进,使得用户体验的巨大差异的整个范围GVRL, InfoTrac,在上下文中*资源,包括超级搜索平台以及Genealogy Connect,Twayne的作者在线Scribner Writers Online。这些增强功能来了4月2日ND


没有新的标题添加到InfoTrac集合vember and December of 2014

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the producttitle lists

阅读更多没有新的标题添加到InfoTrac集合vember and December of 2014


We all know the rules – don’t take notes in your textbooks and don’t write in books you’ve checked out from the library, or else you might face a fine.

As eBooks and digital resources have become more and more popular, a similar problem has presented itself: how can a user easily take notes without opening a separate program? Gale has found the solution with our new要点和注意事项工具,计划推出周二,9月30日或前后,在Artemis的文学根源,GVRL,在上下文中*,InfoTrac,儿童InfoBits,Literature Resource Center,LitFinder超级搜索。


New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in June and July 2014

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the producttitle lists

阅读更多New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in June and July 2014


金宝搏彩票学术Onefile Infotrac移动

Gale is pleased to announce the mobile optimization of all 57InfoTracresources, available June 19. The PowerSearch platform has also been optimized and can be used to deliver an ideal mobile research experience for InfoTrac resources, as well as GVRL eBooks and In Context content.

Mobile optimization minimizes the user’s need to resize, pan or scroll while reading and navigating. Using responsive design technology, Gale’s mobile interface automatically displays when users access any InfoTrac resource from their smartphone, whether they click into these resources directly through a library’s website, or through Gale’s free访问我的图书馆app. No set up is required by libraries to enable this mobile display on smartphones.
