档案of Sexuality & Gender: “An Excellent Addition”

学生,教育工作者和研究人员现在可以用一个巨大的资源,它们连接到这段历史,并让他们深入研究,并与数字一手资料,以支持这些和许多其他相关领域提供了最大程序的新连接搞研究。随着社会,政治,卫生约150万页的主要来源的内容,以及法律问题,档案of Sexuality & Genderis your one-stop source for all topics impacting LGBTQ communities around the world. Covering subjects such as the gay rights movement, activism, the HIV/Aids crisis, and more, the性倾向及性别的档案:LGBTQ历史和文化自1940年以来,第I部分是一个“极好的补充用于学术和公共图书馆。”金宝搏彩票

看看克里斯蒂娜轩尼诗,编目馆员Loyola Marymount大学,他认为这一里程碑数字节目的:

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美国公民自由联盟在角色Brown v. Board of Education

During Black History Month, we remember monumental events that have profoundly changed the United States and impacted the lives of many Americans. One key event in American history is theBrown v. Board of Education于1954年在此最高法院案件的判决,公立学校被勒令分列在一致的裁决。美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)中发挥了重要作用Brown v. Board of Education,确保“隔离但平等”将不再适用于教育设施。虽然公共教育并没有完全的决定分列,它开始了一系列法律的胜利,为蓬勃发展的民权运动和争取种族平等的宪法定义的支持。

阅读更多美国公民自由联盟在角色Brown v. Board of Education

档案of Sexuality & Gendernamed PROSE Award Winner for Best eProduct/Best in Humanities

We are proud to announce that Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture Since 1940 has won the PROSE award for Best eProduct/Best in Humanities. The award is presented by the Professional and Scholarly Publishing unit of the Association of American Publishers. You can find the full list of winners here PROSEawards.com/winners. Background on the awards from PROSEawards.com …阅读更多


During Black History Month, we honor African Americans who made significant contributions to American society and impacted the course of American history. One such figure is罗伯特·斯莫斯, who was born a slave in South Carolina, made a dramatic escape from slavery, and was later elected to Congress. With主要资源, Smalls’ remarkable life, achievements, and impact can be considered and understood through contemporary accounts.


Witness the March Towards Women’s Rights

介绍妇女运动和问题– the first in theWomen’s Studies Archive, a collection that traces the path of women’s issues from past to present—pulling primary sources from manuscripts, newspapers, periodicals, and more. It captures the foundation of women’s movements, struggles and triumphs, and provides researchers with valuable insights.

阅读更多Witness the March Towards Women’s Rights


从昔日的热气球到今天的商业航空公司运营,人类一直被飞行的概念所吸引。在航空公共利益在二十世纪达到顶峰,导致其相应技术的飞速发展。从这一时期狂热的重点出现了航空先驱著名:查尔斯·林德伯格,埃尔哈特,霍华德·休斯,怀利·波斯特,詹姆斯·杜立德,查克·耶格尔,和许多人一样,谁永远地改变了人类的方式与世界互动。他们的理论,功勋,以及破纪录的努力,在所有拍摄Evolution of Flight, 1784-1991.

Drawing from the treasure trove of images, diaries, correspondence, scrapbooks, government documents, and other primary source materials available within the National Air and Space Museum Archives, the National Air and Space Museum Library, the Smithsonian Archives, and Smithsonian Libraries, this newest collection in theSmithsonian Collections Online系列提供了无与伦比的洞察航空的时代和内容当今社会中的持久的影响跨越两个多世纪以来,1784年至1991年。





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