
3min read

Posted on February 18, 2016


我最近审查中的条目查尔斯·狄更斯厚望for an upcoming volume ofNineteenth Century Literary CriticismNCLC), and was surprised—delighted, really—to see that we were including two reviews of the novel from 1861, the year it was published in book form.

What’s more, there was another article from 1877, in which the reviewer recalled the experience of reading the novel as it came out in weekly installments, between December 1860 and August 1961, in Dickens’s own magazine,All the Year Round书评,埃德温·惠普尔P.(怎样的,对于一个良好的,维多利亚名曰?),歌颂狄更斯的技能在基本构建他的伟大小说上的苍蝇,最后期限不断逼近。“当小说读作为一个整体,”惠普尔惊叹,“我们认为笔者是如何精心准备我们的灾难;但它要求女性智慧和洞察力,以检测在其情节曲折,作为小说最早出现在周部分的秘密“。(Feminine sagacity and insight—another echo from another century!)

My pleasure at seeing these early pieces was threefold. I was, frankly, rather astonished that even after the many times we have covered Dickens since他在首次亮相NCLC,第3卷back in 1983—and inShort Story CriticismChildren’s Literature Reviewas well—there are still little gems like these to be discovered. Next, I felt pride in the realization that, coupled with the recent essays we are also including in the same厚望entry, we are providing coverage of this deservedly honored novel that spans over 150 years in three different centuries. Finally, I was reinforced in my belief in the inexhaustible interest that great writing affords.

Even after a century and a half and thousands of reviews, articles, essays, monographs, and dissertations, there is still more to say, more to discover, more to understand about厚望-和David Copperfield,双城记,等经典作品狄更斯。和吐温和莎士比亚,和冯内古特和国王,以及其他人的超过6000作者之间的主机,我们覆盖大风的金宝搏彩票文学批评系列自的第一体积当代文学批评CLC) was published in 1973.

Kurt Vonnegut was among the “contemporary” authors covered in that inauguralCLC体积。所以是纳博科夫,谁是仍然活着,因为是塞缪尔·贝克特和巴勃罗·聂鲁达和P. G.伍德豪斯,谁是出生仅20年后厚望写。现在,在21世纪,我们对诺贝尔奖得主白俄罗斯作家斯维拉娜·亚历塞维奇准备条目,美国作家菲尔·克利,澳大利亚的理查德·弗拉纳根,和其他新的“当代”的作家是什么,无疑将成为“经典”的作品像厚望。从1861年这些简短的评论提醒我们,狄更斯,今天就像苏珊·柯林斯是,曾经是一个“当代”和极受欢迎的作家。而且我们可以看到,文学和它的影响的读者,不断地改变。其解释不断演化。而只要这一切都是真的,盖尔的金宝搏彩票文学批评系列- 以及由此延伸,文学批评在线– will continue to delve into the lives, times, and works of these amazing writers.

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Larry Trudeau



