Truth Be Told: What is oil pulling and does it work?


By Harmony Faust


如果这是给你的那句响应拉油, 你不是一个人。什么是石油拉动和为什么大家都在纷纷议论呢?首先,事实证明,它不是压裂替代,并没有任何与环境。基于各种的Facebook状态和Pinterest的针,我一直看到提供的上下文线索,我是能够收集到它是某种形式的健康时尚。不是太大的bandwagoner的自己,我不停地滚动。

does oil pulling work除了它就在那里,一遍又一遍。被啾啾,张贴,并通过我的朋友们分享。所以被迫的,我出发去谷歌一些快速的答案。我从谷歌学到的是,我会更好的搜索Pinterest的,它看起来像一个如何做的保健和美容类,Pinterest的是我探索的个人最喜欢的。


  • 石油是飕飕声oi的古老的做法l in the mouth in order to purify the body of toxins
  • 整体医学从业者长期以来一直是石油拉动支持者,但它最近成为主流的健康和美容秘诀
  • 虽然主要用于口腔卫生,据说它可以治愈至少几十疾病,一切从皮肤状况和器官功能,睡眠行为,甚至宿醉
  • 据称油拉的作品,因为在你的身体的毒素被吸引到(并拉出)由漱口/嗖嗖释放酶
  • Instructions vary—I found articles suggesting any number of different oil types and swishing times varying from 5 to 20 minutes, but they all agree: don’t swallow the toxic oil
  • Oil pulling information is fueled by personal testimonies—no scientific sources were easily discoverable backing the claims


Equal parts horrified and curious about the idea of oil pulling, I was desperate for validation. Enter:金宝搏彩票盖尔资源。Your resources. You know, the deep online wells of trusted, authoritative content that are most commonly found at libraries and in which you can research any topic and feel reasonably good about the answer.

Let’s put those resources to the test and solve the mystery once and for all. Is oil pulling legit or are all of the claims full of…hyperbole?


  1. 油拉作为一个古老的阿育吠陀的做法原点由多个学术期刊证实。金宝搏彩票阿育吠陀医学是一个以预防为主的整体系统中的一些3000-5000年前它在印度的发展。今天,它仍然是印度的初级卫生保健系统和它的许多方法被认为是补充和替代西药。
  2. 阿育吠陀文本DO明显地声称油拉动可治向上的30的全身性疾病。
  3. Despite the prevalence of anecdotes on and advocates for the Indian folk remedy of oil pulling, it is surprisingly difficult to find scientific information to validate the alleged benefits, though many other Ayurvedic practices have been endorsed by the scientific community.
  4. Oil pulling HAS been proven, by multiple studies, to improve oral hygiene…
  5. ...跨学科更大数量和超过这个时间替代疗法的全身好处之前更长的时间,但需要更多的研究将完全和正式融入西医的做法。

Verdict: Oil Pulling is Legitimate-ish


Truth Be Told is a newly launched blog series published by Gale, a part of Cengage Learning. Truth Be Told is focused primarily on helping individuals explore and (in)validate mainstream news stories and popular topics in an effort to illustrate the importance of developing digital and information literacy skills. If you’d like to use your library’s authoritative resources to investigate a popular mainstream topic, we welcome you to提交做客博客文章


“一勺油保持毒素了。”UWIRE Text2014年3月24日:1。Academic OneFile。网页。2014年3月26日。


Purohit, Bharathi, and Abhinav Singh. “Tooth brushing, oil pulling and tissue regeneration: A review of holistic approaches to oral health.” Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 2.2 (2011): 64. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

Schneider, Janet M. “Fife, Bruce. The New Arthritis Cure: Eliminate Arthritis and Fibromyalgia Pain Permanently.”图书馆杂志2009年9月1日:133。Academic OneFile。网页。2014年3月26日。

Zablocki, Elaine. “Research studies show value of Ayurvedic methods.” Townsend Letter Apr. 2011: 17+. Academic OneFile. Web. 26 Mar. 2014.

[警告信息]Harmony Faust

About the Author

和谐浮士德是市场营销和通信的大风的金宝搏彩票副总裁。她将她的激情库到她的志愿者工作,作为指导委员会的成员Corporate Committee for Library Investment及董事为董事会EveryLibrary,唯一的全国性组织,致力于构建图书馆选民支持。和谐居住在密歇根州普利茅斯,与她的丈夫,狗和两个年幼的孩子。她的意见是她自己的。


