Women and the Cold War: A Unique Perspective with Archives Unbound



在20世纪50年代初,冷战促进了美国社会的变化和妇女的角色。再一次,妇女被要求履行美国辩护的角色 - 一方面延续美国人的人口,另一方面延伸到另一方面以促进国外的美国理想。


“委员会的信件记录,1952 - 1969, provide a rich collection from which to explore gendered aspects of Cold War liberalism, the U.S. government’s clandestine and overt cultural propaganda operations, women’s relationships to U.S. foreign policy, and the varied goals and methods of women’s international organizations that interacted in United Nations forums and at international conferences during the first two decades of the Cold War. Like other Western women’s international organizations that participated at the UN through the newly established Commission on the Status of Women, the Committee advocated for women’s involvement in foreign policy making and in the post war global governance system; and like other US women’s organizations, they promoted the spread of “American values” around the globe and networking among women leaders in developed and developing nations.”1

In addition, to the Committee of Correspondence, another Archives Unbound collection provides a unique perspective on women’s roles in the Cold War through the transformation of the peace movement in the Pacific Rim area and its gradual changeover to supporting pro-Western Cold war ideals — The International Women’s Movement: The Pan Pacific Southeast Asia Women’s Association of the USA, 1950-1985.

These Archives Unbound collections provide unique support to learning through the use of primary sources. They fortify the more general historical resources, by providing an opportunity for you to “dig into the past,” discover the background of the ideas and debates that defined women’s roles in the Cold War. These collections provide an opportunity for critical thinking through an examination of the historical problems still facing America and the global community today.

1GARNER,KAREN(SUNY EMPIRE州学院),跨国妇女:谈话委员会,“关于这个系列。”金宝搏彩票Gale Cengage学习,2011年Mens Flynit Trainers

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