Toastmasters’ Pathways Learning Experience Program: Building 21st-Century Skills

|By Chitraa Sridharan | The 21st-century workplace needs workers who are not just proficient with the core skills but who are also prepared to solve complex problems and adapt to changing environments using their 6C (Communication, Collaboration, Critical thinking, Creative innovation, Content, Confidence) skills. In my previous blog post, I shared my learnings on …阅读更多



Cameron’s Professional Development Collection: Preparing for Teen Mental Health

|妮可·阿尔布雷希特|Cameron’s Collection was built on the foundation of hope; hope that if teens were struggling with anxiety, depression, stress, or other forms of mental health issues, that they could reach into this collection and find the answers they were seeking. Mental health issues are on the rise and with the …阅读更多


Gale Interactive— a visual learning aid that helps instructors teach complex topics in biology, chemistry, and human anatomy— allows users to zoom, rotate, and explore 3D models to engage with science beyond static text. By unifying learning strategies and state-of-the-art technology, Gale Interactive helps boost student engagement, comprehension, and retention of complex science concepts. Recently, …阅读更多





Researching Dr. Bernard Lafayette Through Gale Resources

|通过崔西Cothran |在牧师马丁·路德·金,在过去的一周纪念日,我有幸听到伯纳德·拉斐特博士,在底特律市中心约民权时代和他最后的日子一教堂MLK工作小说话。老佛爷是学生非暴力协调委员会的一个长期成员...阅读更多

MHSLAPraises Gale’s Health & Wellness Resource Center

The Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Association (MHSLA) is a membership-based committee full of those actively engaged or interested in health sciences information management. Their purpose is to promote excellence in health sciences librarianship by providing its membership with opportunities for professional growth, fostering communication between members and their regions, facilitating resource sharing, increasing awareness of …阅读更多

New Titles Added to the InfoTrac Collections in December 2017

The titles below have been recently added and can be located in the product using Basic or Advanced Search forms. Titles can be found via Browse Publications within two weeks. For complete coverage information please see the product title lists. InfoTrac Newsstand Asian Image (Blackburn, England) (Newsquest Media Group Ltd.) Ayr Advertiser (Ardrossan, Scotland) (Newsquest …阅读更多

