

By Melissa Rayner

美洲原住民的权利已经在新闻颇有几分近来,特别是涉及到北美印第安人的争议。这让我思考:How were things back in our favorite century?

And what I found broke my heart, much in the same way reading The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison breaks my heart every single time (yes, normally, these blog posts are kind of hilarious, and I promise to return to hilarity next week).





大汉,himself, delivers to expectations in his autobiography, citing the need for the Red man to catch up to the White on the evolutionary scale:


This fits in nicely with the rhetoric of the day. Just look at these other sources from 1890 (The Indian Can No Longer Live by Hunting) and 1892 (How to Bring the Indian to Citizenship, and Citizenship to the Indian):

Kingdom of Godignorant indian

然而,在他的账户,提拉证明bsolutely brilliant. First, Tahan hooked his audience by meeting their expectations and desires, then he delivered a compelling tale of adventure, and–at the last–he take his stand and tells us the real reason for his journey “out of savagery into civilization”:

大汉- adapt or perish

大汉,while remarkable, is in now way unique. Check out the resources below for more on the intersection of Native and White life in the 19th and early 20th centuries. And, if you have time, read more from Tahan’s autobiography–you’re in for a fascinating adventure, I promise!


This is Tahan after his transformation into Joseph K. Griffis.
This is Tahan after his transformation into Joseph K. Griffis.



梅丽莎为漫画(2)About the Author



7 thoughts on “19th Century Nitty-Gritty: Out of Savagery into Civilization”

      • 我偶然发现,而研究非常不同的主题,并在英国皇家植物园,英国国家档案馆实际文件的工作。有这么多的事情被忽视,而历史学家也可以很政治和片面。
        I would love to welcome you with one of these posts, can be reposted if allowed to my site, based on the Voltaire saying; “History is the commonly agreed upon lie.” especially in regards to India, I have never had a guest address India from any POV.

          • I looked for World’s Fair Indian Exhibition but did not see link on recent posts. I have visited Kew a lot personally as the files I worked with were so obscure. I still source them and get documents from them, as many open on a monthly basis. Many extraordinary documents about the American Revolution are housed there as we were a colony. Their on-line resources get better all the time, they are FAB.

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