
|通过Gintas Bradunas |而此时新的思路和途径是最需要的时刻,很多的灵感和支持是我们最好的来源已经关闭。从watercoolers开心小时聚会参加会议,创新的这些经常被低估的资源已经在很大程度上剥夺了由于COVID-19。而学生也感觉到了。...阅读更多

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|通过塔拉Atterberry |由于COVID-19在美国和世界各地的流行病的爆发,我们已经被告知留在原地。安身的地方。呆在家里。注意安全。拯救生命。对于许多人来说谁是不是必需的员工,我们的家园已经成为我们工作场所,学校,体育场馆,餐厅和礼拜场所。...188bet 458



|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|六月节is a day of celebration and communing with family and friends, commemorating the official end of slavery in the United States, which occurred on June 19, 1865. Although the Emancipation Proclamation was signed in 1863, it wasn’t implemented in Texas until Union soldiers and Major General Gordon Granger arrived …188bet




|由盖尔金宝搏彩票员工|Voice and Vision, the second installment of the award-winning series, Women’s Studies Archive, looks beyond women’s suffrage to explore critical areas of study, including the abolition of slavery, alcohol and temperance movements, pacifism and political activism, domestic service, education, health and hygiene, divorce and social reform, and much more. Recently, ccAdvisor …阅读更多


|妮可·阿尔布雷希特|今天的学生所面临的不确定性和干扰像以前一样永远。无论是在教室或通过混合式学习,怎么能教育工作者和家长支持他们这些挑战?答案不是一刀切,但作为教育工作者都知道,社交和情绪学习(SEL)是一个关键组成部分。有 …阅读更多