


是的,我坦率地承认,我觉得太像一个图书管理员。通常,这是一笔财富,但是当我第一次开始增加STEM进入我讲故事节目,这成了一个问题。我一直在寻找的书籍在非小说章节读给孩子们。我去到最喜欢的是红眼睛树蛙由Joy考利,由所示尼克毕晓普,和Actual Size由史蒂夫·詹金斯,无论是在500S扎实。虽然我喜欢这些书,我想太小。花琳科尔,从科学教育Queens Library Children’s Discovery Center,to shift my thinking during her staff training on science activities for preschoolers at theBrooklyn Public Library(BPL)。她打开了脑海中有关我已经提醒我们,我们可以发现在图画书节科学和数学概念不亚于任何地方分享书籍思维的另一种方式。

她提出之前,她问BPL工作人员发送自己喜爱的讲故事朗读标题。我不知道她在哪里STEM children's library programs与此打算,但我很好奇。她的一个第一次的建议是使用小猫的第一个满月to talk to kids about reflection.三只小猪可以代表工程的不同原则。用Caps for Sale以说明模式和测序。和货运火车是彩色光谱的一个实施例(你知道 - ROY G. BIV)。花了林恩提醒我的东西,我已经知道:科学和数学无处不在!如果他们无处不在,他们为什么不成为凯文·亨克斯或以斯拉杰克济慈的作品?

I was so taken with Lynn’s approach that I wanted her to share her perspective with more librarians and she was game to go toPublic Library Association Conferencethis last March in Indianapolis. We recruited Saroj Ghoting to help, seasoned presenter that she is. Together, we facilitated a lively “converstation” discussion session.


  • 如果你给一个老鼠一块饼干...劳拉·约菲Numeroff和费利西亚·邦德
    • Talk about the “shape” of the story. It is circular!
    • Discuss how the mouse has human characteristics. Would a real mouse wear overalls?
    • 创建大家最喜欢的饼干的图表。
  • 蜂的Bim波普by Linda Sue Park, illustrated by Ho Baek Lee
    • Encourage parents to cook and follow a recipe with their children. Cooking is science!
    • 邀请某人从一个韩国餐厅来你的计划,并给他们带来了一些他们所使用的成分。
    • Try sensory food activities! How do these foods look, feel, smell, taste and even sound? (Do they crunch when you chew them?)
  • Flower Garden通过伊芙邦廷,作者Kathryn休伊特所示
    • 谈论花的各个部分和叶片和花瓣的形状。
    • Encourage parents to discuss recycling with their children. Sorting recyclables will help to teach your child math!
    • 做一个DIY正大宠物与孩子们。

We also discussed when you bring math and science into your programs, you don’t need to know the answers. Give children the tools they need to explore and ask open-ended questions. Encourage them to hypothesize about why Peter’s snowball melts inThe Snowy Day。为什么狼在三只小猪有这样的长牙?你将如何瓜分饼干门铃响了? Let the children be scientists and problem solvers and explore their own ideas.

在我们的讨论中提出了另一个想法是谈论数学和科学概念,你做的所有活动,无论是工艺活动或科学实验。制作蝴蝶出纸巾的弹簧讲故事?谈论对称!制造戴帽子的猫hats? Discuss the pattern on the hat and what other patterns you could create. Making snowpeople out of construction paper? Bring out the rulers and measure their creations.

最后,Saroj提醒我们,必须对父母的点在所有程序的连接是非常重要的。如果你正在做科学实验,像经典“Does it sink or does it float?”activity, label it as science.



So these days I am trying to think like a scientist, a mathematician, and a librarian. Now it is your turn to join our “converstation.” Put on your virtual lab coats and slide in your pocket protectors and tell us about how you have brought STEM into your storytime. What STEM concepts have you discovered in your favorite read alouds? What activities have you tried that have been a success? And how do you help parents and caregivers understand they are also doing math and science every day, whether it is at the library or at home?

Rachel Payne

About the Author



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