10 Ways Your Child With Special Needs Can Benefit From a Trip To The Library

children's nonfiction

By Karen Wang, via The Friendship Circle Special Needs Resources

每天,有420万名美国人参观图书馆. Are you one of them?

Almost every town in America has a public library, but many families of children with special needs shy away from libraries, often for behavioral reasons. These are the families who could benefit the most from the library!

Read more10 Ways Your Child With Special Needs Can Benefit From a Trip To The Library

Storytime Goes STEM!

STEM storytime


Yes, I freely admit it, I think too much like a librarian. Often this is an asset, but when I first started addingSTEM进入我讲故事节目,这成了一个问题。我一直在寻找的书籍在非小说章节读给孩子们。我去到最喜欢的是Red-Eyed Tree Frogby Joy Cowley, illustrated by Nic Bishop, and真实大小by Steve Jenkins, both solidly in the 500s. While I love these books, I was thinking too small. It took Lynn Cole, a science educator from theQueens Library Children’s Discovery Center, to shift my thinking during her staff training on science activities for preschoolers at theBrooklyn Public Library(BPL). She opened my mind to another way of thinking about the books I was already sharing by reminding us we could find science and math concepts in the picture book section as much as anywhere.

Read moreStorytime Goes STEM!