In Other News: Caitlyn Jenner & Gender Identity

transgender symbol




Caitlyn是最近在越来越多的主要流式变性人民名单中。2007年,Candis Cayne转变为Billy Baldwin在ABC肮脏的性感货币上的11个剧集的女主人,这第一次标志着跨越的跨越美国电视上的单一集。在与新闻界遭受历史几年后,Chaz Bono于2008年开始过渡。Laverne Cox,橙色之一是新的黑色,成为第一个出现在时间杂志(2014年5月)的封面上的Transcender人,为标题为“Transcender Tipping Point”的文章。Andreja Pejic(Instagram) was the first transgender model to appear in Vogue magazine while Hari Nef (Instagram) signed with modeling agency IMF earlier this year, a first for the powerhouse agency. There are others, famous and not, making changes every day.

Less 1/3 of 1% of the U.S. population identify as transgender (资源). Historically, this group is the recipients of an extremely disproportionate amount of violence, 20% of murders and 40% of violence by police. (资源)2014年第一季度最近的统计数据显示,10%的暴力犯罪是针对18岁以下的跨跨女孩犯下的暴力犯罪。他们被殴打,刺伤,扔石头,射击,绞死,勒死和肢解。(资源)有时陌生人;有时是家庭。经常,他们杀了自己。

Read moreIn Other News: Caitlyn Jenner & Gender Identity


一个厕所k at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.


本周早些时候,我读了thisarticle about growing concern with the silent dwindling of the wild giraffe population around the world. I really wanted to write about giraffes. But I can’t. Instead, this week we’ll focus on the concept of the grand jury and what, for many, seems like a system which makes no sense and is mightily broken.

Two grand juries returned verdicts this week in cases involving a white police officer and the death of a black man. From lack of proof to belief that ample proof was ignored, protests and press conferences, the strength of the American legal system was the lead story every day this week. For better, or worse.

Read more在其他消息中:大陪审团

In Other News: the ice bucket challenge

一个厕所k at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.


A quick poll of my friends yields the following: zero people thought about ALS during the month of June. Better than 90% of them have laughed at someone they know dousing themselves with cold water.

Read moreIn Other News: the ice bucket challenge