

By Carrie Stefanski

Meet Sara. She’s a mom with three young children and has parents who are getting up there in age. She wants the best for her family, and that includes good health. She needs reliable, up-to-date resources that to turn to, whether seeking new yoga poses for herself, healthy cooking for her family or researching specific health concerns such as heart disease.

Read more健康资源支持更好的生活!

You have to start somewhere, help out your beginners!


见到康妮,这是一个刚刚收到她的第一台电脑的辛辣72岁的奶奶。她的孙子想让她在线,所以在线她必须去!“我不知道是什么花了我这么久,我想学习我可以的一切,”她说,“但我想我有点犹豫,因为我不知道什么在哪里开始。”我们无法想到比电子书更好的方法老年人用笔记本电脑,第3版。Connie can read and follow activities on her screen at the same time, it’s a perfect match.

Read moreYou have to start somewhere, help out your beginners!

May the Fourth Be with You: Using the Force


由Robert Lisiecki.

May the fourth be with you. Wait, I thought it was, “may the force be with you.” You know a film made a monumental impact on society when people assign a date in the calendar year to geek out. Let’s get geeky, Star Wars friends.

I’m admittedly not a self-proclaimed Star Wars nerd, but I’ve had a few light saber fights in my day, and I was Jar Jar Binks one year for Halloween; so, that counts for something… right?

It’s fascinating to think about the impactful nature of Star Wars, and how it still remains a force today (they just releasedthe cast for the new movie!). 这不仅是一个巨大的电影成功,但它也影响了好莱坞,流行文化和商品。

Read moreMay the Fourth Be with You: Using the Force

Out of the Office: In Germany!

Explore travel DK publishing

By Bethany Dotson



Read moreOut of the Office: In Germany!


Explore travel ebooks DK publishing

作者:Kim Martin

遇见克里斯,探险家。他对冒险,旅行和发现世界充满热情。自从他记得以来,他想知道其他国家 - 他们的人民,烹饪,地理,无论他可能接受什么。作为一个喜欢沉浸在其他文化中的人,他需要正确的资源和工具靠近和远的游览。

Read more为克里斯这样的探险家发现新的头衔



By Harmony Faust

萨曼莎·科尔那an editorial intern forFast Companymagazine, just gave your library a present—did you accept it graciously and immediately put it to good use? If not, you might be missing out on an opportunity to leverage the gift offree advertising。继续阅读;不算太晚。

科尔的文章,“谁需要商学院?您本地库中的隐藏启动资源,“完美地讲述公共图书馆的价值故事,具体地,您如何支持当地企业家和促进经济增长。你曾经读过或听到什么,并思考自己,“我自己不可能更好地说!”?这是那些时刻之一。科尔对图书馆解释的是什么 - 以及她如何解释它 - 是基于证据和正确的。

Read more你把图书馆的商业资源藏起来了吗?

Truth Be Told: What is oil pulling and does it work?

does oil pulling work

By Harmony Faust


如果这是你对这句话的回应抽油, 你并不孤单。什么是石油拉扯,为什么每个人都嗡嗡作响?首先,事实证明,这不是一个替代品种的替代品,与环境无关。基于各种Facebook状态和Pinterest引脚的上下文线索,我一直在看到,我能够收集它是某种健康时代。我自己不仅仅是一个带宽的一体,我一直滚动。

Read moreTruth Be Told: What is oil pulling and does it work?

......April Fools!

By Carrie Stefanski

Gotcha, noddies! That’s what they call those who are tricked on April 1, in England. Although the Thorndike bathroom ad was an actual (ingenious) idea, Gale will not be using it at the next trade show. Some good ideas are best left as ideas, or, when timed right, April Fool’s jokes.

Read more......April Fools!


By Michelle Eickmeyer

A look at a current news item through the lens of different titles available on GVRL.




Read more在其他新闻:奥斯卡Pistorius试验


An ongoing look at the partner publishers available throughGVRL公司

By Michelle Eickmeyer


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