
|由布里格姆Narins |二月被指定为美国心脏月由美国心脏协会,是由约翰逊总统在1963年建立了第一个正式的庆祝长达一个月的庆祝活动的目的是提高心脏的认识疾病-数的美国人一个杀手据疾病预防中心...Read more


|悉尼Fairman |近日,科技与学习杂志评选10名候选人,在三个类别的卓越年度大奖:在课堂上,学校和区教育技术的最佳利用。金宝搏彩票盖尔的孩子InfoBits,与年龄相适应的,易于使用的数字资源,涵盖了广泛的教育话题,被评为决赛...Read more


Newly added to Smithsonian Primary Sources in U.S. History: 236 primary sources (text and images) with curriculum correlations for easy integration into the classroom workflow. Content has been added across the eras, but especially boosts coverage in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. Among the 113 new text documents are: Coverage of the Donald …Read more


|By Stephanie Harvey, Program Consultant | Teachers have quite a few hurdles to jump, obstacles to dodge, and ladders to scale these days. It seems as if there is an ever-increasing influx of new initiatives, programs, and standards every year. While all this activity can be exciting, it can also be overwhelming. At times …Read more


|通过崔西Cothran |还有的是一个爱的东西巨星军士之间正在进行。粗短和大风K12内容团队过去几金宝搏彩票个月,自从我们听说了“军士字。粗短:美国的英雄”的电影在本周公布。这很容易理解为什么,当然:粗短是一个可爱的...Read more


|By Debra Kirby | I am counting the days until the March release of A Wrinkle in Time, the movie based on Madeleine L’Engle’s award-winning novel. In anticipation of the movie, I decided to spend a little time revisiting the story by checking to see what Gale resources could provide. Like all forays into Gale …Read more

Creating Purposeful Content for the Classroom

|By Jessica Bomarito| I have just returned from San Francisco, where I attended NCSS—the annual conference for the National Council for the Social Studies. I arrived in San Francisco on a cold, rainy Thursday— an evening in the midst of a protest designed to raise awareness to the housing needs of the city’s homeless …Read more


|By Nicole Albrecht | When I started my third year of teaching I was in inner-city Detroit, Michigan. The students were predominantly African American from various parts of the city and their own experiences made teaching challenging and exciting at the same time. When I introduced them to their lesson during Black History Month, …Read more

Reasons Teachers are using Britannica eBooks

The digital age is here to stay, and more teachers are taking advantage of eBooks in their curriculum. Here are some of the advantages of Britannica eBooks on GVRL and how teachers are infusing them into lessons to provide a more dynamic learning experience. Universal access. With Gale eBooks on GVRL, students have access to …Read more


|By Elizabeth Ferguson |

在今天的高峰生产的银幕越来越多的内容,也没有文学作品的电影改编的短缺。这个概念和流程是不是新的,但是,导演和编剧一直被复述在故事片格式心爱的经典之作。举个例子来说,弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉的适应德古拉。Or François Truffaut’s take on Ray Bradbury’s华氏451度和詹姆斯鲸鱼版科学怪人。即使是现在的作品,如哈利·波特饥饿游戏系列,have found immense success in the film world.书籍到电影:文学作品的电影改编新的年度系列上提供金宝搏彩票盖尔的GVRLeBook platform,探讨电影改编的广阔天地。参赛作品讨论的专题书籍和电影的基本情节摘要;检查在其各自的释放时的各适配临界反应;提供作家,导演,编剧和履历信息;并探索通过该书转化为膜的方法。改编“通过对当代电影从默片时期(1895年至1927年),从工作室主要和次要,以及独立,从好莱坞和世界各地的”覆盖范围百里长基思·格兰特编辑写在介绍第1卷。涵盖文学作品包括小说和非小说,经典作品和畅销书,经典和当代作品,并长期和短期的写作。

Read more一系列新文学与电影改编