

AtPellissippi State Community College(PSCC), our users have access to many Gale resources through theTennessee Electronic Library(TEL). Through our TEL setup we are able to track only statistics for PSCC users. From our statistics, we know that Gale resources are heavily used by PSCC patrons and there are a few reasons behind this success:

In Class Instruction
我们的学生主要用在课堂上向他们的资源。PSCC图书馆提供的研究指令137班今年秋季学期。PSCC馆员和师资队伍找到谁在一流的科研教学接收学生在他们的研究任务实现更高的档次。一个我们呈现给学生的教训之一就是寻找期刊文章之前查找背景资料的重要性。对立的观点在上下文is our go-to database for demonstrating background research. All the “在上下文中”数据库包含所选主题的,它提供了历史,并解释这些议题或问题的不同观点主题的网页。

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Because not all of our faculty can find the time in a 5 to 16 week semester to have us in their classes, educating our faculty about our resources is the next best way to reach our students. Our faculty learn about Gale databases at our New Faculty Academy, where we introduce library resources, and at Faculty In-Service, where we demonstrate new databases or changes and new features to current databases. Librarians at PSCC are faculty and serve as subject liaisons. With this designation comes the responsibility to serve on campus academic committees and attend academic department meetings (and sometimes share after-work beers). Relationships with faculty are formed through these committees. I find that these relationships make faculty more comfortable talking with librarians about research assignments and available resources, which provides us the opportunity to recommend the most appropriate resources for their upcoming assignments (or their own research).

Read morePellissippi州立社区学院图书馆股份为什么大风资源是成功的金宝搏彩票

The Biking Librarian Promotes Resources Throughout the Community

通过萨莉·罗伯逊,Librarian, Nashville State Community College


Some of the reasons I like to promote theTennessee Electronic Library(TEL) resources so much are that they are:

TEL& Career Transitions: Connecting People with Jobs


对于求职者来说,图书馆事业的发现,开发和整体援助方面发挥了至关重要的作用。事实上,近四分之一库游客在那里外观或申请工作,根据皮尤研究中心。1.To further solidify the library’s role as a hub for employment resources, in July, 2014 President Obama signed into law the劳动力创新与机遇Act,识别公共图书馆作为美国就业中心网络的潜在合作伙伴,并承认库提供的求职服务,广阔的阵列的能力。


Read moreTEL& Career Transitions: Connecting People with Jobs