Celebrate the Freedom to Read

3min read

| By Jason Everett |


随着在15世纪中叶活字印刷机的发明,欧洲人突然有机会获得成千上万的书籍。罗马天主教会努力控制的信息直接违背了宗教教义的传播。该教堂于1559年出版了自己的书,Index Libororum Prohibitorum(Index of Prohibited Books), that listed books judged by the church to contain dangerous ideas such as heresy. In 1616, the church added Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus’sDe revolutionibus orbium coelestium(On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres) in which Copernicus argued that Earth revolved around the sun, to the Index. The church abolished the Index of Prohibited Books in 1966.

最近,小规模的书禁令通常是由管理机构,如学校董事会,在有关个人的催促下制定的。一个例子是哈珀·李的禁止To Kill a Mockingbird。虽然To Kill a Mockingbirdis hailed by most critics as a rebuke of Southern racism in the mid-twentieth century, it has been the subject of challenges and bans on numerous occasions. A high school in Louisiana banned the novel in 1995 due to its racial content and use of profanity. In 2009, it was banned from a school in Ontario over its use of racial slurs. In 2017, a school district in Mississippi decided to remove the book from its eighth-grade reading lists.

自1982年以来,美国图书馆协会(ALA)主办,每年在上周于九月禁书周。今年,禁书周是9月23日至29日。禁书周是被禁止的,并质疑书的庆祝活动,旨在提高人们对言论自由的重要性的认识。整个庆祝活动,鼓励人们阅读禁书,并表达自己的宪法权利享受他们选择的任何类型的文学作品。该ALA还发布了十大挑战书名单,定义为试图消除或限制基于从一个人或一群反对的材料。2017年,To Kill a Mockingbird露面的名单上排名第7。小说汉娜的遗言, originally published in 2007, was the #1 book on the list. The book resurfaced after it became the basis for the Netflix television series13 Reasons Why。小说was banned and challenged in multiple school districts because of its depictions of bullying, sexual assault, and suicide.

Gale’s学生资源在上下文现在有Banned Books portal page以帮助学生在他们的课题研究。内禁书门户网站,学生可以找到禁书,禁止书籍是谁,为什么,禁书周和相关主题,包括审查和新闻自由的历史信息。门户页面包括许多内容类型,如专题概述,故事梗概,批判文章,期刊和播客,这让学生建立在他们的知识和分析的话题的不同观点。学生资源在上下文also features portals on many banned and challenged books includingTo Kill a Mockingbird,哈克贝利·费恩历险记,The Catcher in the Rye,华氏451度,老鼠和人,追风筝的人,Hunger Gamesand more!


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