

Understanding (and meeting) Community Needs

Mussman, Amber-2By Amber Mussman, Community Relations Manager, Cedar Rapids Public Library

在21公共图书馆STcentury are regularly faced with the question of relevance. They fight an ongoing battle for funding, loss of staff, and a constant lack of resources. In 2015, with two brand new libraries open and a very new director in place, the Cedar Rapids Public Library realized that in order to continue to be successful we must focus our efforts on meeting our community needs and telling our story.

In order to be able to accurately respond to the needs of our patrons, we needed to have the right tools.分析点播offers us the ability to use real data to drive our programming, marketing and strategic planning. Through the use of Patron Profiles, we are able to understand how our library is aligned with the community as well as find opportunities for growth.

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公共图书馆面临着证明其价值,他们所服务的社区和利益相关者的挑战 - 的美国人只有22%的人说,他们知道大部分或全部由他们的公共图书馆提供的服务。为了帮助图书馆克服这些障碍,大风,圣智学习的一部分,增加了三个新的应用程序金宝搏彩票分析点播,the first affordable big data analytics solution for public libraries. The new apps, Marketing Action (for Patrons and Non-Patrons) and Branch Insights, help libraries deploy targeted direct marketing programs to current and prospective library users, as well as better understand how existing patrons are interacting with individual branches across a system.


New Marketing Action Analytics On Demand Apps for Patrons and Non-Patrons



Discover the insights you need to make (and measure!) an impact with分析点播,一个新的数据解决方案,帮助图书馆快速,方便地了解他们的用户和社区。


阅读更多New Marketing Action Analytics On Demand Apps for Patrons and Non-Patrons