


By Nick Schultz

我很幸运。通过我的角色金宝搏彩票盖尔客服,我不得不人民大学提供咨询服务的特权 - 许多呼叫这个当地的图书馆 - 他们雇用他们的旅程,以社会改良的无名英雄。与公共图书馆馆员从事两年的大部分时间,我认为以下报价亮点馆员的理想图书馆顾客,弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫之间的对比,以目前的现实。

“I ransack public libraries, and find them full of sunk treasure.” -Virginia Woolf

伍尔夫是一样的现代主义——我相信她’d be shocked to discover the virtual stream of information that exists in today’s world. The truth is most library patrons don’t allocate hours of time to “ransack” a library’s website troving for an online resource treasure chest. In fact, according to a recent study done by Pew 91% of Americans think public libraries are important to their communities, yet 80% of Americans say they don’t know what their library has to offer. Herein lies the challenge.如何图书馆推广其不断发展的服务,他们的社区?
