Practical SEL Tips: Helping Students Foster Self-Awareness

|By Nicole Albrecht | Students today are facing uncertainty and disruptions like never before. Whether in the classroom or through blended learning, how can educators and parents support them with these challenges? The answer isn’t one size fits all, but as educators know, social and emotional learning (SEL) is one key component. There are …阅读更多

恼怒 - 秋天免税村流派:一到Discovery的路径把少儿

|By Tara Blair, Digital Marketing Coordinator, Gale | Getting kids excited about research is no easy task! But library media specialist Angie Jameson is working hard to create a dedicated space for research that keeps students engaged with content in every subject. Located just outside of Cleveland, Ohio, Chagrin Falls Exempted Village Schools focuses …阅读更多

Big Leap for School Libraries










Did you know? Nearly 3/4 of college freshmen lack research skills. 1 Too many students start college underprepared, but Gale can help them cultivate the skills they need before they graduate—and they agree. Listen to what 12th-graders participating in a Project Tomorrow® study reported as the top benefits of Gale resources: Download the infographic to learn more about …阅读更多

该评论是,Gale Interactive: Science是推荐的资源

Zoom in. Out. Rotate 360 degrees. Imagine what it’s like to face complex science concepts with more knowledge and less fear.Gale Interactive: Science这是否给予中部和高中生是否能看到科学超越静态文本通过3D模型在超过150个互动式会议和60款具有3D打印机打印。学生和教师可以操作和探索参照和定期的内容做进一步的了解配对的3D模型。学习者的启发,以实现最终的结局:发现。


阅读更多该评论是,Gale Interactive: Science是推荐的资源





The谷歌课堂integration与盖尔的产金宝搏彩票品只提供了这真理更饲料 - 因为它让生活更易于管理的学生。在最多使用谷歌课堂中学年级学生无缝地从家里连接 - 或者通过手机或平板电脑的任何其他位置 - 查看课堂作业,发布他们的家庭作业文件(在Word,Prezi或其他软件),等等。孩子们还可以访问电子学习课文这样一来,从他们的图书馆的馆藏,我们的大风数据库参考数据库一起很容易被高亮显示,剪切和粘贴,并列举,然后上传到学生的谷歌云端硬盘帐户。金宝搏彩票十分简单!当然,我的女儿仍然有印刷的课本,但他们不再是首要指导课堂活动 - 教师可以(做)很容易使用的经验教训多个来源。这是一个美丽新世界在那里的教育。


How to Make Complex Concepts Clear with Technology


By Katrina Do

The advancement of new education technology is transforming classrooms across the globe. From hand-held tablets to 3D models, teachers are implementing new tools to optimize learning experiences.

Students who struggle with understanding complex concepts — whether it’s a math problem or understanding how molecules react — can benefit from innovative learning tools. Various education technologies work to engage students, helping them understand complicated ideas through visualization and hands-on experiences.

阅读更多How to Make Complex Concepts Clear with Technology