

技术的人都是探险者和高兴iators of our great Information Age. Without them, we’d have no blogs, our phones wouldn’t be smart, and none of us would be able to look up the name of that actress we always forget from you-know-that-one-show in a few keystrokes. The Techie’s thirst for knowledge – whether budding young techies or adult tech users – is boundless.







卡拉是在她的图书馆读者喜爱。作为新图书馆馆长,她领导了关键的社区成员,与当地商界领袖网络,以及响应月度会议亲自到顾客的关注 - 迅速。而且即使她只有几个咨询台转了一个月,有人问她,因为他们知道,她会提供很大的Servi大街gvrlladyce…and know where to find what they need. But Carla is concerned about keeping her knowledge and skills fresh – whether it’s about new collection development strategies or upcoming IT advancements that will affect how the library leverages its MARC records. She recently hit the 15-year anniversary of library school graduation, and she’d like to be sure she has all the knowledge she needs to keep her library as a vital community resource…and continue her career advancement.

Library directors who want to avoid the “cobblers’ children” syndrome (failing to support their own learning and development because they’re focused on supporting others’) can do so easily, with resources we’ve pulled together to meet you and your colleagues’ needs.


Resources that Help Crafters Cultivate, Connect, and Create



埃里卡Domesek,PS我做了这个公司的创始人和法官对学习频道的工艺大战,sees this as a strong trend among younger consumers, saying, “People are interested in making their lives more beautiful, more fun.” Homemade crafts offer a welcome respite from the proliferation of impersonal, mass-produced goods.


阅读更多Resources that Help Crafters Cultivate, Connect, and Create

Gale Customer Care Could be Your Key to Success in Boosting Usage



阅读更多Gale Customer Care Could be Your Key to Success in Boosting Usage

Self-Improvement Resources For Getting Passed Crossroads


By Tina Creguer

Rebecca used to think that her life would be uneventful at this stage, but, boy, was she wrong. Her son recently moved out and married, and she completed a degree program—just as her position was eliminated at her long-time employer. She has identified an opportunity in a nearby community and is considering starting her own business. Some days, she feels that the possibilities are endless. Other days, she’s overwhelmed and some self-doubt is starting to creep in. She’s looking for information to help her regain her confidence so she can move forward with some assurance that she is making good decisions that will shape her future.

阅读更多Self-Improvement Resources For Getting Passed Crossroads



By Tina Creguer

Jay, a young professional, has always been interested in photography. And now he finally has the time (sort of) and resources to pursue that interest more seriously. He’s done with taking photos on his iPhone and trying to pass them off as artistic works. Time to learn some real skills to make the most of his new digital camera. He has found some free how-to videos online, but wants more reliable and professional instruction. Where can he turn for expert resources?

More than 26 million people in the US participated in photography in 20101- 有专长的不同水平。随着品质的数码相机较低的成本使它们比以往任何时候都更加方便和通信(尤其是社交媒体)的日益“照片为中心”的性质,这种爱好是收集蒸汽。




财政资源公共图书馆Amy is nowhere near retirement age. But she’s determined to put together a solid plan that will allow her to retire early and travel. She wants to learn more about investment options and learn some of the terminology, but she’s stymied. Should she put her money in the stock market, which seems a little volatile? Invest in real estate, which seems to be rebounding quickly? Where to begin?




By Kim Martin
机会是一个勤劳的(如果有时分心)高中三年级。除了做作业和车队一起出去,他想了很多关于大学预科学生unprepaired申请上大学 - 哪里办理,看什么节目时,如何评估程序,以及如何为即将到来的高考做准备。信息和入口点的发现信息的数量可以是令人难以置信的和压倒一切。

Chance and other students in your community are looking for information that can help them evaluate career options, examine courses of study, and find financial aid. You can provide them with easy-to-use electronic resources that give them instant access to rich information about every aspect of applying to college.

